JIS University JIS University

Research & Development

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The University shall have different disciplines imparting education initially geared for employment. However, in due course of time, they will be developed into centres of excellence through research in various fields of study. Apart from this, the university will also have specialised thrust areas with focus on contemporary, emerging and global areas of research interest. The sources of research funds can be categorised as:

  • Sponsored Sources from industries
  • Internal Sources
  • Government Sponsored Sources
  • International Funding Agencies for sponsored research and consultancy

There are several superior outcomes that are envisaged through the University Research Programmes. Some of these are:

  • Increased number of publications in national and international journals by faculty and researchers.
  • Increased number of patents led by faculty and researchers.
  • Product development and commercialisation through industry linkages.
  • Technology incubation for industries.
  • Socio-economic development of the region.

The University will be an iconic one-stop facility for Research, Product Development and Start-Up Knowledge Incubation & Entrepreneurship. The Sponsored Research & Industrial Consultancy Cell (SRIC) will foster the growth of Industrial Research, Product Innovation and Consultancy.

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