Call for Papers

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JISUJE is seeking submissions related to the following conference topics: Adult Education, Art Education, Business, Course Management, Curriculum, Research and Development, Educational Foundations, Education Policy, and Leadership, E-Learning, Gaming, Global Issues in Education and Research, ICT, Inclusive Education, Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment, Pedagogy, Psychology, Research in Progress and Research Management. Other related topics will also be considered.

Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Editorial Board. If an abstract is accepted, the author agrees to send a full-text paper, including results, tables, figures, and references. All submissions should report original and previously unpublished research results no matter the type of research paper you are presenting. Full text papers (.docx and .doc) will be accepted. Manuscripts should meet the format set by the Editorial Board and are subject to review. Abstracts are to be sent at

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