JIS University always has an innovative way of celebrating Independence Day. Especially with the 75 years celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav programme. To extend the essence of independence amongst the common people, not only enhances the setting up of a stronger backbone for society but also serves mankind in strengthening the ties and bonds amongst all sections of people in the society. And in order to go about with this, we, who represent the cream of the society, need to extend our support to those who are less privileged.

With this purpose in mind, JIS University stakeholders chose to work with that section of society who spend their life scavenging the garbage and meeting their daily needs. The JIS University fraternity had arranged for a week long workshop with the teenage children residing near the vicinity of the garbage dump yard extending from Agarpara station to the University. In this workshop teenage children were taught how to handcraft/ make, decorate flower/ sapling pots and cards and sell them. This would be an alternative to their existing way of earning (scavenging) for survival.

The program for the day was shaped by hoisting of the Indian flag, address by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Indranil Sengupta and the Director, JIS Group Mr. Simarpreet Singh. This was followed by the inauguration of the poster-exhibition entitled the Horror of Independence and the highlights of the independence movement. The handicrafts made by the teenagers and some saplings were sold. The money collected has been kept for further training and raw material procurement for future workshops.

It had been decided that every month (preferably on the second Friday of every month), such workshops will be held and the designed products will be put up for sale. The earnings will show these teenagers a new way of livelihood. The vision of this mission is to let our education be utilised in repaying the debt that we owe to society.

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