Extra Curricular Activities

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Extracurricular activity or extra academic activity are performed by students, that falls outside the realm of the normal curriculum of university education. Students being involved in extracurricular activities reduces the likelihood of dropping out of studies, likelihood of committing a criminal offense, and leads to higher educational success and achievements in their career. The greatest advantage of participating in co-curricular  activities is the decrease in anti-social behaviors and students growing up to be more successful in communication and relationships. Furthermore, extracurricular activities increases student’s chances of creating friendships, increase positive self-development and have a positive impact on the student’s life.
Extracurricular activity is an integral part of JIS University where students are encouraged to participate in cultural programs, music, dance, debates, various competitions like photography & short film making activity etc. Extracurricular activities exist for all students from various streams.

extra curricular

Debates, quizzes and talks:  Debates, quizzes, talks  are a regular and integral part of the University life and students are introduced to such practices from their very first year of study and to that end students are also encouraged to take part in such activities happening in other places as well. Such activities take place on a weekly, if not daily, basis in the University.
Annual Fest – Every year the Annual fest is organized where the students participate in different cultural programs like music and dance, fashion shows etc and it’s a musical extravaganza worth to participate for the students.  Each year Freshers’ Welcome is also organised for the new students as the new session begins where students actively take part in cultural programs and various competitions.
Drama and Photography Clubs: These two clubs have been set up in the University with the sole aim and purpose of honing and encouraging the photography and drama skills of the students.  The University actively encourages these skills in the students by organizing regular contests, exhibitions and shows of such drama and photography by the students.
Sports Club: The University also has an up and running sports club to encourage the students to take active part in sports and allied physical activities. This is so because the University firmly believes in the motto “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” and the University regularly organizes sports for the students. A cricket competition between the faculties and the students is an annual affair at the University.
Gymnasium – The University is also having a well equipped gymnasium within the campus with fitness and Exercise equipment so that students can participate in physical activity part from their day to day studies. Physical activity is good for the mental health of the students and regular exercise can also boost  self-esteem and helps them to concentrate and feel better.

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