Welcome to Faculty of Education

Approved by National Council for Teacher Education

About the Department

B.Ed. is a professional course that prepares teachers for middle level (Classes VI-VIII), Secondary (Classes IX-X) and Senior Secondary (Classes XI-XII) levels.

The main aim of JIS University’s B.Ed. curriculum is to provide hands on experience to teacher trainees on accessing and processing information in improving the method of teaching and learning. The course is designed to inculcate ethics, values and modernity in students and to give them an opportunity to apply those values to move ahead and make a mark.

B.Ed. is a professional degree program that prepares candidates for teaching in high schools and higher primary schools. At present, the demand for trained teachers is very high as new schools are being established with each passing year. Pursuing B.Ed. from JIS University is the best option as the main aim of the university is to provide hands-on-experience to the teacher trainees on accessing and processing information in improving the methods of teaching and learning.

The university campus has been rated many a times as one of the best campuses. Further, the course curriculum is brilliantly designed to inculcate ethics, moral values and modernity in the students and giving them opportunity to apply those values to move ahead. The course curriculum at JIS University is based on the guidelines of NCTE and WBUTTEPA. It consists of both practical and theory sessions for integrated skill building of the aspiring teachers.

Focus on Teacher Training

It is an established fact that the quality of education is influenced by the qualified and experienced faculty at any institute, their commitment and motivation for the profession, their understanding about the children’s learning and classroom activities as well as pedagogical alternatives. Therefore, training of teachers is an important component for improving the quality of education. Keeping in mind, we at JIS University provide a stimulating intellectual environment and exceptional opportunities and facilities for future teacher’s development. We have well-qualified faculties offering unparalleled experiences to the students in their respective areas of specialization. This helps us to be ranked among the top B.Ed. colleges in Kolkata for continuously improving the quality of teacher training.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers 4-year B.Tech. and 3-year BCA. programmes in Computer Science and Engineering. In addition, the Department has an active Doctoral programme.

At the undergraduate level, the Department lays emphasis on foundations in Computer Science and Engineering with emphasis on hardware / software / systems. The students get exposure to state-of-the-art education and hands-on experience through well-equipped laboratories. The students are encouraged towards innovative thinking supported by projects that support this process.

Education system of India was run followed by British system of education for long time. After independence objectives of education has been changed completely. In the present generation, the internet has become an important source of information. The internet age has brought with it various challenges, foremost among them is the requirement of a newer form of teaching – learning method.

  • To create learning-friendly environment
  • To provide quality education
  • M1: To follow the paradigm shift in Education: Traditional to Flexible learning.
  • M2: To build up field of modern and updated research environment.
  • M3: To invent modern method of teaching and evaluation process of education.
  • M4: To implement updated syllabus and curriculum in the field of education. Our motto is not to provide degree only, to make eligible citizens capable to be involved and absorbed in the relevant service sector.

Duration: 2 Years

Eligibility: Bachelor Degree or Master Degree in Science/Social Science/ Humanities with a minimum of 50%* marks or Engineering and Technology with a minimum of 55%* marks or students with other equivalent qualification are eligible.

  • Department of Education has sufficient dignified faculty members who have the abilities to impart updated methods of teaching.
  • Educationists with reputation in national and international level are associated in connection with seminar / workshop / webinar presentation and our evaluation process,methodology of teaching.
  • Interdiciplinary support are given to students during their coursework






Dr. Priya Mitra
PhD, M.Ed, M.A in Education



  1. Environmental Awareness: The cause of deceleration of fast fashion and up rise of the ethnic consumption in fashion industry
  2. A review Study on International Days
  3.  “Exploring the benefits that Buddhism offers in terms of enhancing wellness” in an international conference on 26th September, at Kalyani University, Co-authors- Dr. Priya Mitra, Archita Pal
  4. “A Discourse on National Education Policy 2020 and Pedagogy”, Co-authors- Archita Pal, Ariti Nath



  1. JOURNAL.IJ Publication, E-ISSN No.-2348-1269
  2. Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research,0022-1945
  3. Presented paper entitled “Exploring the benefits that Buddhism offers in terms of enhancing wellness” in an international conference on 26th September, at Kalyani University
  4. ICSSR-ERC sponsored One Day National Level Seminar on “Reconstructing Teacher Education in the Light of NEP 2020 and WBSEP 2023” organized by the Dept. of B.Ed. in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) on 06th December, 2023


Ayan Chakraborty
MA(Mathematics),M.Ed,NET QUALIFIED,PhD Pursuing.


 problem due to COVID-19 effect.

2) Inequality in Education in India: a critical analysis.

1) NCERT)RIE Bhopal Journal of Education, ISSN No-2582-0621,Vol-5,Issue-II.

2) Conference Proceedings in International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research(ICMR-2023).


Archita Pal
M.A(GEOGRAPHY),M.Ed.,SLET,NET Qualified,PhD Pursuing.




1) Inequality in Education in India: a critical analysis.
2)  “Exploring the benefits that Buddhism offers in terms of enhancing wellness” in an international conference on 26th September, at Kalyani University, Co-authors- Dr. Priya Mitra, Archita Pal
3)“A Discourse on National Education Policy 2020 and Pedagogy”, Co-authors- Dr. Priya Mitra, Ariti Nath


1) Conference Proceedings in International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research(ICMR-2023).
2) Presented paper entitled “Exploring the benefits that Buddhism offers in terms of enhancing wellness” in an international conference on 26th September, at Kalyani University
3) ICSSR-ERC sponsored One Day National Level Seminar on “Reconstructing Teacher Education in the Light of NEP 2020 and WBSEP 2023” organized by the Dept. of B.Ed. in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) on 06th December, 2023


Dr. Kalyani Mitra

Ph.D, M.Phil, M.Ed and MA in Education, M.Sc in Zoology and MA  in Bengali.

  1. Globalization and Role of ICT in Enhancing the Educational Productivity in Modern Age
  2. Educational anxiety: causes, consequences and effective management techniques

1.Anwesa, A Journal of Education(Peer Reviewed), August 2022, Vol. 14, ISSN No. 0973–5895.
2. Educatum,Journal of Education and behavioral Science. Volume XIV/XV(2023), ISSN no.0975-2641
3.Journal of Education and Culture,2229-4287.


Ariti Nath
M.A in English,M.A. in Education, M.Ed, NET Qualified, PhD pursuing

1. Presented and published a paper Sustain or Certain? A Balance between Education and Environment,  in International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research organized by Dakshin Dinajpur D.Ed  College(June,2023), Co-author- Aftab Alam

2.A Vision of Education Proposal by Sri Aurobindo, Gurukul International Multidisciplinary Research Journal  (GIMRJ), June 2023, Co-authors- Sayan Anthony Gomes, Neha Shah

3. “Exploring the benefits that Buddhism offers in terms of enhancing wellness” in an international conference on 26th September, at Kalyani University, Co-authors- Dr. Priya Mitra, Archita Pal

4.“A Discourse on National Education Policy 2020 and Pedagogy”, Co-authors- Dr. Priya Mitra, Archita Pal


1) Conference Proceedings in International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research(ICMR-2023).

2)Paper presented on Gurukul International Multidisciplinary Research Journal  (GIMRJ), June 2023-Student publication

3) Presented paper entitled “Exploring the benefits that Buddhism offers in terms of enhancing wellness” in an international conference on 26th September, at Kalyani University

4)ICSSR-ERC sponsored One Day National Level Seminar on “Reconstructing Teacher Education in the Light of NEP 2020 and WBSEP 2023” organized by the Dept. of B.Ed. in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) on 06th December, 2023

  • B.Ed is essential and compulsory qualification for applying in the parts of teaching jobs. Almost all the students of B.Ed in the department of education under JIS University have been absorbed in service after passing.
  • Ph.D in Education has high demand in the sevice area of Lecturership in B.Ed colleges and other educational sectors. Our Ph.D scholars are prepared through UGC prescribed coursework and guideline. They have to do their research work through regular evaluation and observation and supervision from university.
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