Training & Placement Overview


Our vision is to nurture, train and develop best human resources, who would make contributions at their work place as fresher’s and foster the growth of the economy and the society at large, we live in.


Our mission is to prepare students in fulfilling their career goals, and facilitate them to become leaders and also lay down a career path in front of them to be successful professionals of the future , with relevant skills for the ever-changing industry needs.


Training, Placement, Career Guidance occupies a key position as the image enhancing and brand building department of the University. The JISU Training & Placement cell inculcates career guidance, student development, entrepreneurship initiatives, internships and placement activities for all round betterment of the student community.

Dedicated professionals with industry experience develop ongoing relationships and reach out to corporates across geographies for promoting the students as future ambassadors. Active involvement and support of alumni is encouraged as a vehicle for increasing the footprint. The department strives to lead the student exchange program with the industry and act as an important facilitator providing a bridge to the career aspirants.

Our Training & Placement department works as a facilitator providing a launch platform to the career aspirants of our University. Our students have already made their mark in leading companies around the country within this short span of time. We strive to fulfill their career expectations by providing them with suitable job opportunities. It is also imperative that we take care to serve the recruiters with the best of available ability and means. We have had repeat recruiters who have come back to recruit our students being satisfied with their performance. Prospective employers across business spectrums trust JIS University in providing fresh student resources through a cost effective and time efficient campus process.

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