Rules and Regulations

JIS University Central Library welcomes all its members to use the library. In order to ensure a good library-environment and to enable the users to have productive use of the library, we appeal to the users to abide by the following rules. However, we expect all members to exercise self-discipline, respect and consideration for fellow users of the Library. We also have Digital Library that can be accessed any time of the day.

Library Opening Hours
Day Time
Monday to Friday 8:00am to 8:00pm
Saturday 9:00am to 5:00pm
The library is closed on Sundays and all public holidays.
  • All users must ensure total silence in the library and its environs at all times
  • Entry is permitted with Valid Identity Card only
  • Use of Mobile Phone is strictly prohibited in the library
  • No student is allowed to enter the circulation area without the consent of the library staff
  • Teachers and students of the Institute have to collect their membership card by filling up the membership form and the card must be used only by the member to whom it is issued, transfer of card is not allowed
  • Loss of membership card must be reported to the librarian immediately. The member shall have to bear a charge for preparing duplicate card. If the lost card is subsequently found, it must be returned to the librarian without any delay.
  • In case any member is found to be using more than one card, both the cards may be forfeited
  • Each library card shall contain a unique number which will be mapped to the roll number/registration number of the student. In case of a duplicate card the card number shall be prefixed with “D”
  • No bags, umbrellas, personal books, CD, Pen drive etc. may be brought into the library. The library will not accept any responsibility for the loss or misplacement of personal belongings. Consumption of food is not permitted in the library
  • Students, Faculty & Staff members are requested to Sign on the register before using the library and Students are advised to submit their library Card before entering the Library Reading Room
  • Borrowers are responsible for the borrowed document on their cards and are liable to replace the same if the material is found lost or damaged and not should not write anything on the book
  • A maximum 4 students are allowed in each table of the Reading Room
Document Issue & Return

Privileges of members in respect of borrowing document are given below:


No. of Document Entitled

Accession Period

Faculty Members


6 months (One Semester)

Staff Members


1 month  

Research Scholar






21 days



21 days

  • Reference books, Newspaper Journals and CD/DVD shall not be issued. The Reference materials can only be used within the Library.
  • Borrowed documents can be renewed for a maximum of two times for 15 days only each time, already overdue item will not be renewed.
  • Over the due date a fine will be charged @ Rs. 2 per day per book from the due date till the book is returned to library.
  • If the books are lost, then the borrower shall replace the books of the same edition or latest edition or pay cost of the new book after getting permission from the librarian.
  • Library may recall a book on loan at any time, and the book must then be returned to the Library on or before the closing time on the date given in the recall notice/message.

All members associated with the University should obtain Library Clearance Certificate from the Library before leaving the University service.

N.B: These rules and regulations are subject to review by the library committee from time to time.

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