Circulation Section

JIS University central library circulation section is fully automated. This section is mainly responsible for circulation of documents in the library to the users. It plays a role of bridge between users and books. The following tasks are performed by this section:

  • Information literacy to all users
  • Lending and Checkout of materials to library users
  • Checking- in materials returned
  • Monitoring materials for damage and routing them to the appropriate staff for repair or replacement
  • Collecting statistics on library use, i.e. patron transactions, material checkouts, etc.
  • Charging and receipting overdue fines.
  • Generate membership for new users.
  • Writing and dispatching overdue notices
  • Clearance of students and staff on completion of their stay at University.
Periodical’s Section

The Library subscribes to about more than 20 national/international journals, magazines and newspapers. The Periodicals Section is maintained separately and opening hours of the Section are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. normally periodicals are not issued, but in special cases, the back issues of the magazines (not journals) can be issued for 7 days.

  • Receiving suggestions regarding subscription of new Journals as well as for renewal of the already subscribed journals
  • Compiling suggested titles for proposal submission
  • Getting approval from the competent authority
  • Inviting invoices from the publisher’s/Vendors and processing for payment
  • Tracking the supply position of journals
  • Registration and display of journals on periodical display racks
  • Sending reminder for Non-Receipt of journals.
Reference Section

JISU library has separate and varied collection for references books which include Encyclopedia, dictionaries, career guides, yearbooks, handbooks, biography, text books, general books, etc. The library users can approach the library desk in order to access reference and reserve materials for their requirement inside the library premises. However, they are not eligible to carry those materials outside the library premises under any circumstances.

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