Publication 2016

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Name of The Faculty Member Title Journal Name/Book  Type Year
Dr. Sujay Chattpadhyay Corrected genome annotations reveal gene loss and antibiotic resistance as drivers in the fitness evolution of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Journal of Bacteriology Journal 2016
Dr. Sujay Chattpadhyay Mutation-Driven Divergence and Convergence Indicate Adaptive Evolution of the Intracellular Human-Restricted Pathogen, Bartonella bacilliformis PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Journal 2016
Dr. Prosenjit Saha A brief review on the chemical modifications of lignocellulosic fibers for durable engineering composites Polymer Bulletin  Journal 2016
Dr. Prosenjit Saha Removal of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid from aqueous medium using modified jute Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal 2016
Dr. Chalantika Laha Salui Geospatial Analysis for Industrial Site Suitability Using AHP Modeling: A Case Study Environment and Earth Observation  Book Chapter 2016
Dr. Arijit Pal An in-silico approach to elucidate structure based functional evolution of oxacillinase Computational Biology and Chemistry Journal 2016
Dr. Subhankar Singha Detection of ciprofloxacin in urine through sensitized lanthanide luminescence Sensors (Basel) Journal 2016
Dr. Subhankar Singha A two-photon fluorescent probe for lysosomal zinc ions Chemical Communications Journal 2016
Dr Souvik Chatterji Law of Crimes with an introduction to Crimimology Penology Victimology   Book 2016
Dr Souvik Chatterji Human Rights and Comparative Criminal Law.   Book 2016
Dr. Prosenjit Saha Fabrication of chitosan/PEO nanofiber mats with mica by electrospinning Journal of Polymer Engineering - De Gruyter Journal 2016
Dr. Moumita Ray Antidiabetic and antioxidant activity of Rhizophora mucronata leaves (Indian sundarban mangrove): An in vitro and in vivo study Ayu Journal 2016
Dr. Atanu Bhattacharya  Overall recession and mass budget of Gangotri and its tributary Glaciers, Garhwal Himalayas, from 1965 to 2015 using remote sensing data Journal of Glaciology Journal 2016
Dr. Atanu Bhattacharya  Review on InSAR based displacement monitoring of Indian Himalayas: Issues, Challenges and possible advanced alternatives Geocarto International Journal 2016
Dr. Debabani Ganguly C-terminal tail insertion of Bcl-xL in membrane occurs via partial unfolding and refolding cycle associating microsolvation Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Journal 2016
Dr. Pranabi Maji Structural, optical and dielectric properties of ZrO2 reinforced polymeric nanocomposite films of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA Optik Journal 2016
Dr. Pranabi Maji TiO2 reinforced polymeric nanocomposites of HCl -doped polyaniline (PANI) and their properties Materials Journal 2016
Dr. Amlan Roychowdhury Reconstitution of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity of Antheraea mylitta cypovirus in vitro using separately expressed different functional domains … Journal of General Virology Journal 2016
Dr. Kamakshi Sureka Cyclic di‐AMP targets the  cystathionine beta‐synthase domain  Molecular Microbiology Journal 2016
Dr. Shahnaz Ali Congenital macrothrombocytopenia is a heterogeneous disorder in India. Haemophilia Journal 2016
Dr. Shahnaz Ali Bengal macrothrombocytopenia is not totally an innocuous condition. Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases Journal 2016
Dr. Puspita Roy Synthesis and anticancer evaluation of 5-benzyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-amine derivatives on Ehrlich ascites carcinoma bearing mice Der Pharma Chemica Journal 2016
Dr. Abhik SinhaMahapatra Enhanced magneto-electric property and Raman spectroscopy of nanocrystalline AlxGa (1− x) FeO3 (x= 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20) Ceramics International Journal 2016
Dr. Abhik SinhaMahapatra Soft magnetic property and enhanced microwave absorption of nanoparticles of Co0. 5Zn0. 5Fe2O4 incorporated in MWCNT Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Journal 2016
Dr. Abhik SinhaMahapatra Enhanced magnetic property and phase transition in Ho3+ doped LaFeO3 Materials Letters Journal 2016
Dr. Abhik SinhaMahapatra XRD, HRTEM, magnetic, dielectric and enhanced microwave reflection loss of GaFeO3 nanoparticles encapsulated in multi-walled carbon nanotubes Ceramics International Journal 2016
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